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Call4Papers (Glasgow Human Rights Network): New Frontiers for Human Rights Theory and Practice (bis 14.01.13)

The postgraduate cluster of the Glasgow Human Rights Network (GHRN), based at the University of Glasgow, will be holding its first Graduate Conference on Human Rights on Thursday 22nd May 2013.

The theme of the conference is inspired by the desire to explore new developments in human rights covering a broader range of human rights issues. We encourage postgraduates working in the area of human rights to participate in this one-day conference at the University of Glasgow in a friendly and supportive environment.

We are keen to consider abstracts that directly or indirectly address this theme.  Topics include, but are not limited to, the following issues:

  • Globalization and human rights
  • Human rights, terrorism and national security
  • Human rights and the neoliberal market paradigm
  • Human rights and current case studies in self-determination (Scotland, South Sudan, Tibet, Quebec)
  • Critical approaches to human rights
  • The paradoxes of human rights theory and practice

Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words by no later than Monday 14th January 2013 to Beth Pearson at or Awol Allo at

Follow the GHRN Postgraduate Cluster blog at

If you would like more information about the Glasgow Human Rights Network, please visit

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Benjamin Köhler (7. Dezember 2012). Call4Papers (Glasgow Human Rights Network): New Frontiers for Human Rights Theory and Practice (bis 14.01.13). soziologieblog. Abgerufen am 17. September 2024 von

Benjamin Köhler

Benjamin Köhler ist Soziologe (B.A.) und Historiker (M.A.). Seine Schwerpunkte liegen in der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte sowie in der Wissens- und Kultursoziologie. Thematisch beschäftigte er sich bisher u.a. mit jüdischer Kulturgeschichte, Antisemitismus- und Gewaltforschung, Innovationen und sozialen Wandel.

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