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Verschlagwortet: Grenzen

Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash 0

Unlearning Border Fixity — Towards a relational pedagogy after the nationalist crisis

by Adrian Schlegel The year 2020 might fill our descendants’ history books with the rampant phenomena that emerged around the COVID-19 pandemic. The global health crisis, aggravating social inequalities, political authoritarianism, gender-based discrimination and economic fragility might be few aspects that would serve as representational bullet points of currently lived...


“Citizenship and Religious Pluralism: A Contradiction in Terms?” The Awarding of an Honorary Professorship for Bryan S. Turner (CUNY) and the Founding of the Potsdam Centre for Citizenship

Bryan S. Turner is a British sociologist researching in the area of human rights, citizenship, and religion. Having worked at universities in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA, processes of globalization and migration play a major role in his work. Currently, he is Professor of Sociology at the City University of New...


Call4Papers (Zeitschrift INDES) “Grenzen”

Seit Herbst 2011 erscheint vierteljährlich im Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht das von Franz Walter, Leiter des Göttinger Instituts für Demokratieforschung, herausgegebene Periodikum „INDES. Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft“. INDES ist interdisziplinär angelegt,  wendet sich gleichermaßen an Sozialwissenschaftler wie auch Forscher angrenzender Fachbereiche (Historiker, Philosophen, Ökonomen, Psychologen etc.) und strebt den...